After updating the new version of Elementor, the common error that appears is missing font loading from Elementor. The reason is that somehow Elementor redirects to the wrong folder eicons font. It might make your icon disappear and only see the square, also affects a lot in loading time and makes the website running really slow when you navigate between pages.
To know your website has this error or not we have to use the development tool of google, to open it simply right-click on your website >> click inspect. The development window will open.
In the development window, select the network tab on top, also check the box Disable cache before refreshing the page again like the picture below.
Click Network & check Disable cache before refreshing page
After refreshing your page, if you see the red line with eicons.woff2?5.10.0 that means you got the error missing font eicons after updating the new version of Elementor like the picture below.
Redline showing browser cannot find the font.
If the browser cannot find the font, the website will take time to load slower. So not waste your time anymore, we will start fixing it together.
Our job is to make the browser can find the font it is looking for. To do that, you need to log in to your Cpanel >> File Manager. In case you cannot access Cpanel, in the backend WordPress, you can go to plugin >> add a new plugin and search advanced file manager >> Install and Active plugin.
This plugin can use like Cpanel
After you log in to file manager or install the plugin Advanced File Manager. please follow these steps below.
Step 1:
Inside file manager, go to your root folder website >> click wp-content >> uploads >> elementor >> create a folder name lib
Step 2:
Inside folder lib >> create a folder name eicons
Step 3:
Inside folder eicons >> create folder name fonts
Step 4:
Inside folder fonts >> upload 3 fonts eicons.ttf, eicons.woff2, eicons.woff (download font in the button below, remember extract zip file before upload). After upload 3 fonts, you can refresh your website >> inspect to see the result.
That’s it!
I hope this post is useful and helps you fix this error from Elementor. I also think this is just a temporary solution. I hope Elementor will have a new update and fix it soon. Does my solution work on your website? You can comment below and let me know what you are thinking. Thank you!
Thank you very much for this helpful post! It fixed the problems I had with the eicons.